Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Market Driven Industry

It always surprises people when we tell them how market driven our industry is. Demand for OTR tyres, repairs and call outs from industries such as mining and quarrying vary according to market demand. It can affect those industries and subsequently our business whether  trading on a local or global basis, for minerals, ores, limestone and gravel.

While we carry out all year round tyre repairs and re-moulding it is surprising how seasonal our business can be. Call outs to Agricultural OTR’s vehicles in the summer bring different challenges, summer into autumn is also busy with call outs and repairs from the building and construction industry.

When the economy is doing well house building can be boosted and road building schemes increase. Road building schemes are not only affected by the economy but also by government investments. Changes in the economy and in political power affect the housing market and drive changes in demand for our services.

Improvements in the economy also affect demand for imports and so port work for us. Changes in legislation can also have big effects on our industry and the work we do. Legislation that affected recycling resulted in an increase in vehicles involved in waste management and subsequently demand for tyre repairs and call outs increases.

Whatever changes happen in the economy and in the EMT tyre industry it’s essential to have a local and national service covering all industries to new industry needs. Any changes in the economy and the industries we work for are then less of a shock, by being flexible in this way we learn and adapt.

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