Tuesday 20 October 2015

Not everything we do involves big tyres!

Not everything we do involves big tyres! As many business owners do, we are always looking for ways to diversify. When we set Earthmover Tyre Solutions Ltd we bought a site with easy access to roads and motorway networks, so our UK wide repairs service could function efficiently.

Our site base fulfils this and it also came with a large lake. This deep clear lake was formed from an old quarry that was originally stocked with carp over a 6 year period up to 2009. Never one to miss an opportunity in 2015, 12 low double commons and five specimen mirrors to 25lb were also added to the original stock. The lake with carp and perch and it has become very popular largely due to the work of our lake manager Gordon Razey.

Combining our desire to diversify and our commitment to support this part of Yorkshire we charity fund raise every month. With the help of our fishermen friends we successfully raise money for a variety of local and national charities.

Five Acre Lake is a day ticket venue located in North Cave, East Yorkshire and easily accessible from the M62 & A63. With wood chipped bivvy pegs and secure on site parking we hope your stay will be an enjoyable one! Find out more about the lake here.....